Gain a full understanding of the principles of biochemistry as it
relates to clinical medicine
The Thirty-First Edition of
Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry continues to emphasize the link between
biochemistry and the understanding of disease states, disease pathology, and the
practice of medicine. Featuring a full-color presentation and numerous medically
relevant examples, Harper’s presents a clear, succinct review of the
fundamentals of biochemistry that every student must understand in order to
succeed in medical school.
All 58 chapters help you understand the
medical relevance of biochemistry::
- Full-color presentation includes more than 600 illustrations
- Case studies emphasize the clinical relevance of biochemistry
- NEW CHAPTER on Biochemistry of Transition Metals addresses the importance
and overall pervasiveness of transition metals
- Review Questions follow each of the eleven sections
- Boxed Objectives define the goals of each chapter
- Tables encapsulate important information
- Every chapter includes a section on the biomedical importance of a given